sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009
Intercamp 2010
A Ágora Bracarense, juntamente com associações de Itália, França, Alemanha, Roménia e Turquia irá organizar um Intercamp (international/intercultural camp) em Itália, durante o Verão de 2010. Este evento será o culminar de um projecto, precedido de três eventos anteriores, em que cada associação irá realizar um intercâmbio bilateral. Por exemplo, Portugal (neste caso, a Ágora Bracarense) convida a associação italiana, a associação francesa convida a turca e a associação alemã convida a romena. Nestes eventos haverá workshops, visitas culturais, momentos de animação, etc. Posteriormente, no final do Verão de 2010 todas as 6 organizações se juntam nom evento final a ter lugar em Itália, onde irão 5 representantes de cada associação.
Projecto New Bridges for EVS
A Gaziantep Trainning and Youth Association pretende organizar um Seminário de Contactos de 23 a 28 de Agosto, em Gaziantep (Turquia). A Ágora Bracarense candidatou-se a participar a neste encontro, onde poderá contar com a participação de 1 ou 2 representantes.
Esta associação pretende, com este projecto, identificar os valores culturais e sociais da Europa e as suas vantagens e desvantagens para os jovens. Procura-se aqui explorar a consciência de cidadania europeia activa entre os jovens, bem como a partilha de experiências e estilos culturais entre os jovens participantes.
Esta associação pretende, com este projecto, identificar os valores culturais e sociais da Europa e as suas vantagens e desvantagens para os jovens. Procura-se aqui explorar a consciência de cidadania europeia activa entre os jovens, bem como a partilha de experiências e estilos culturais entre os jovens participantes.
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009
Projecto "Politics & Youth Culture"
This is a three-part project. There will be two international meetings plus the development of your own project/activity. This means that if you decide to apply, you need to commit yourself to join both meetings and to implement your own independent project/activity.
First international meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania
Second international meeting in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Vilnius 29th of April - 6th of May 2009.
Rotterdam 30th of September – 6th of October 2009
What is it about?
The main goal of the project is to enlarge the participant’s knowledge of political influence on culture. We want to involve youngsters with their own community and show them that they can get engaged in local activities. We also want to stimulate them to participate in organisations or activities on a regional, national or European level.
This project is meant for young people who are interested in the effect of politics (on a local, national and European level) in daily life; youngsters who are interested in developing debating skills and want to interact with youngsters from different (cultural and social) backgrounds. The project will meet these interests and will also give the participants the opportunity to use the experience to become active in their own community or country. The program will be available to all youngsters without any type of discrimination of gender, origin, belief, disability or sexual orientation.
The three phases:
During the first meeting in Vilnius, we will concentrate on the importance of political participation by youth. In the form debates, role-plays & guest speakers you get the chance to form an opinion. Further we will focus on the development of your own projects/activities.
Local Assignment
After Vilnius, you will have approximately five months to complete your project. During this time we will assist you.
During the meeting in Rotterdam, we will concentrate on the channels you can use to become active in politics. You will receive information from youth who participate in youth councils and the European Youth Parliament. You will also present and discuss the result of your own project to the rest of the group.
You must submit a CV and a motivation letter to be considered for this project. Details of what you should write in your letter can be found below.
International Meetings
You must be comfortable enough in English to make yourself understood during debates and role-plays.
Individual Assignments
you need to commit yourself to join both meetings and to be motivated to complete the project/activity yourself!
This is a three-part project. There will be two international meetings plus the development of your own project/activity. This means that if you decide to apply, you need to commit yourself to join both meetings and to implement your own independent project/activity.
First international meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania
Second international meeting in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Vilnius 29th of April - 6th of May 2009.
Rotterdam 30th of September – 6th of October 2009
What is it about?
The main goal of the project is to enlarge the participant’s knowledge of political influence on culture. We want to involve youngsters with their own community and show them that they can get engaged in local activities. We also want to stimulate them to participate in organisations or activities on a regional, national or European level.
This project is meant for young people who are interested in the effect of politics (on a local, national and European level) in daily life; youngsters who are interested in developing debating skills and want to interact with youngsters from different (cultural and social) backgrounds. The project will meet these interests and will also give the participants the opportunity to use the experience to become active in their own community or country. The program will be available to all youngsters without any type of discrimination of gender, origin, belief, disability or sexual orientation.
The three phases:
During the first meeting in Vilnius, we will concentrate on the importance of political participation by youth. In the form debates, role-plays & guest speakers you get the chance to form an opinion. Further we will focus on the development of your own projects/activities.
Local Assignment
After Vilnius, you will have approximately five months to complete your project. During this time we will assist you.
During the meeting in Rotterdam, we will concentrate on the channels you can use to become active in politics. You will receive information from youth who participate in youth councils and the European Youth Parliament. You will also present and discuss the result of your own project to the rest of the group.
You must submit a CV and a motivation letter to be considered for this project. Details of what you should write in your letter can be found below.
International Meetings
You must be comfortable enough in English to make yourself understood during debates and role-plays.
Individual Assignments
you need to commit yourself to join both meetings and to be motivated to complete the project/activity yourself!
sábado, 25 de outubro de 2008
O diário de Luzia Pinheiro - TC Paparazzi of Youth Projects - Loughborough, 28th September to 5th October 2008 - United Kingdom
Na segunda-feira de manhã experimentamos o famoso "pequeno-almoço inglês": ovo, salsicha, bacon, feijão, tomate e uma torrada com manteiga. Para beber tínhamos sumo de laranja natural e podíamos optar entre chá ou café.
Depois iniciamos o TC, com uma apresentação do projecto e do programa Youth In Action. Fizemos alguns energizers para nos conhecermos melhor e criar um bom ambiente. Confesso que fiquei surpreendida com o grupo, pois do primeiro ao último dia sempre se deu muito bem. Nesse dia à noite decorreu a noite intercultural, em que os representantes de cada país traziam algumas coisas tradicionais: música, danças, comidas, bebidas, bandeiras e fotografias.
Foi uma noite muito animada.
Nos outros dias experimentamos os muffins, que são muito bons, e a comida típica inglesa. Eles comem muita fast food ou como eu lhe chamaria: junk food. Eles não perdem tempo com as refeições. Não ficam a conversar como nós: pedem, comem e vão embora. Quanto mais rápido melhor. Nesses dias o tempo livre foi pouco, mas bem aproveitado. Conhecemos a cidade, principalmente o centro. Todos andamos às compras, todos juntos ou em pequenos grupos, mas nunca sozinhos. Na terça à noite fomos a uma recepção com o presidente da câmara, que, ficamos a saber, é eleito anualmente. Depois disso fomos até um PUB. Por incrível que pareça, as 21h o PUB (discoteca) estava no auge da noite! Ou, por outras palavras: a "bombar".
Foi muito divertido, pois apesar de alguns não terem ido (estavam cansados), o grupo era bem grande. Alias, correu tão bem que nas noites seguintes voltamos a fazer o mesmo. O convívio entre os presentes era realmente agradável e enriquecedor em vários níveis (cultural, profissional e pessoal).
Na quarta, quinta e sexta-feira trabalhamos nos nossos grupos, que escolhemos consoante a nossa preferência. Eu estive no grupo da new media (internet) e adorei a experiencia, apesar de ser o grupo com menos elementos (éramos apenas 3). Entretanto também tivemos algumas sessões de formação: television, written media e new media. Na quinta-feira fomos visitar o jornal local, o ECHO, onde aprendemos como os jornais funcionam e que tipo de notícias eles mais procuram, assim como contactar com os jornais. Na quinta à tarde organizamos uma conferência de imprensa, que correu muito bem, sendo o ambiente agradável e descontraído.
Na sexta-feira à noite conseguimos permissão para ir até a uma igreja e ver uma celebração hindu de transição para o ano novo (que ocorre precisamente entre a última semana de Setembro e a primeira de Outubro). Foi algo que apreciei, tanto pela celebração em si, como pelo convívio, pois acolheram-nos com todo o conforto: convidaram-nos para participar e partilharam as iguarias que distribuem entre os presentes.
No fim, as 22h (lá isso é tardíssimo) fomos para um PUB. À Sexta-feira cobram a entrada. Nos outros dias não. Mas fomos, pois era noite de despedida já que a Moldávia ia embora no sábado. Por curiosidade, nos PUB's só podem entrar maiores de 21 anos e as 3h da manhã (alguns as 2h) fecham.
Por fim, no sábado de manhã tivemos umas horas livres para passear e ver o mercado local. Depois mostramos os resultados dos trabalhos de grupo e fizemos um balanço do TC, que foi bastante positivo. No domingo viemos embora, fazendo uma pequena paragem em Leicester e sentindo falta do sol português, pois estava a chover.
Para finalizar devo dizer que foi uma experiencia fantástica e que certamente a voltaria a repetir, mas gostava de poder dar lugar a outros, para que mais pessoas possam passar pela mesma experiência enriquecedora que eu.
domingo, 12 de outubro de 2008
"Reflection seminar on youth participation“, by Katharina Hein (in German)

Vom 18.-24. Juni 2008 durften knapp 50 junge Erwachsende nach Sirolo, Italien fahren um über Jugendbeteiligung, mögliche Fördermittel für Projekte und vieles mehr zu diskutieren.
Nachdem ich am Donnerstag Mittag zusammen mit einer französischen Teilnehmerin die erste war, die angekommen ist, war das Hotel noch ziemlich leer. Zuerst gingen wir auf unsere Zimmer um schnell unsere Sachen auszupacken und danach die wunderschöne Landschaft zu bestaunen. Dann ging es zum Mittagessen mit den Organisatoren und Trainer (wir waren immer noch die einzigen Teilnehmer).
Im Laufe des Nachmittags fanden sich dann alle Teilnehmer ein und wir begannen das Seminar mit einem gemeinsamen Abendessen.
Beendet wurde der Tag mit einem gemeinsamen Wilkommendsabend, an dem wir uns nur kurz vorstellten und einen Geschmack auf das kommende Seminar bekamen.
Nach dem Frühstück am nächsten Morgen fingen wir sofort mit dem ersten teil an: „Icebreaking &Introductions“. So versuchten wir uns 50 verschiedene Namen und die dazu gehörigen Funktionen und Länder zu merken, was für alle sehr schwer war. Durch verschiedene Spiele lernten wir uns kennen und stellten uns dann in Kleingruppen einander vor.
Nach der Kaffeepause ging es mit dem Kennenlernen weiter und es fiel uns dann schon deutlich leichter uns die Namen zu merken.
Mittags hatten wir dann eine Mittagspause, die fast alle neben dem herrlichen Essen zum Baden nutzt5en )bekanntlich ist es in Italien zu dieser Jahreszeit sehr heiß).
Doch nach 2 Stunden ging es schon wieder weiter, diesmal mit dem Austausch praktischer Erfahrungen. Da eigentlich alle Teilnehmer schon ziemlich viel Erfahrung mit Jugendbeteiligung hatten und dementsprechend viel erzählen konnten, machten wir noch nach der zweiten Kaffeepause weiter.
Dann erarbeiteten wir in „Ländergruppen“, Deutschland war mit Belgien in einer Gruppe, ein Plakat auf dem wir unser Land und unsere Organisationen repräsentierten, welches wir dann am interkulturellen Abend, nach dem Abendessen, allen vorstellten. Jedes Land brachte für sich typische Sachen wie Essen, Trinken, Musik etc mit und jeder konnte überall etwas probieren. Dadurch lernten wir uns noch besser kennen und saßen noch bis spät in der Nacht zusammen.
Am nächsten Morgen ging es wieder sehr früh weiter, was manchen nach der langen Nacht sehr schwer fiel. Doch dieses mal machten wir einen „Energizer“, damit wir fit für die Erarbeitung eines Konzepts zur Jugendpartizipation wurden. In Kleingruppen erarbeiteten wir dann das Konzept, was sehr spannend war, da wir aus ganz verschiedenen Ländern kamen und die unterschiede doch oft recht deutliche waren.
Nah der Kaffeepause machten wir mit einem anderen Teil weiter: „Youth participation – good quality standards“, wo wir uns überlegten, was für Jugendbeteiligung wichtig ist - was von Land zu Land wieder sehr verscheiden war.
Nach dem Mittagsessen machten wir uns dann auf den Weg nach Ancona, die nächste größere Stadt. Dort bekamen wir einige Fragen zu der Stadt, die natürlich Jugendbeteiligung betrafen. Doch war es nicht leicht die Fragen zu beantworten, da Ancona an diesem Tag wie ausgestorben war und auch nur wenige Geschäfte offen hatten.
Die Freizeit mit den anderen Teilnehmern war sehr schön, vor allem weil wir dadurch Gelegenheit hatten uns besser auszutauschen..
Nach dem wunderschönen Abendessen direkt am Meer, etwas außerhalb von Ancona, machten wir uns wider auf den Weg zum Hotel, wo die Meisten ziemlich fertig ins Bett fielen.
Der nächste Morgen fing wieder mit einigen Energizern an und dann wurden uns die Jugend in Aktion Programme 1.3 und 5.1 vorgestellt.
Nach der Kaffeepause konnten wir den „National Agencies“ Fragen stellen und erheilten Einblicke in bereits laufende Projekte.
Nach dem Mittagessen ging es raus in den Garten, da wir eine Brücke zur Jugendpartizipation „bauen“ sollten. Dabei sollten wir auf das Fundament und die Einflüsse von außen achten und so Ideen sammeln, wie junge Leute, Jugendarbeiter und Entscheidungsträger in der Jugendpolitik zusammenarbeiten können. Im letzten Seminarteil des vorletzten Abend ging es dann darum, wir man Netzwerke und Partnerschaften aufbauen bzw. nutzen kann und wie man an bestimmte Personengruppen rankommt.
An diesem Abend hatten wir „frei“ und trafen uns um den letzten Abend noch einmal zu feiern.
Unser letzter gemeinsamer Tag fing, wie die anderen auch, mit einem „Energizier“ (der mal wieder sehr nötig war) an. Im Laufe des Vormittags erarbeiteten wir detailliert Projektideen zu den am Vortag vorgestellten Programmen mit verschiedenen Ländern. Nachdem wir unser Projekt ausgearbeitet und einen Zeitplan aufgestellt hatten stellte jede Gruppe ihr Projekt vor uns die „national Agencies“ bewerteten sie und machen Vorschläge, wie man die noch verbessern kann. Unser Projekt ist ein Jugendparlamentsaustausch mit England, Frankreich, Österreich, der Slowakei und natürlich Deutschland, bei dem wir Erfahrungen austauschen wollen und gemeinsame Projektideen sammeln möchten um evtl sogar ein Netzwerk aufzubauen.
Nach dem Mittagessen ging es dann um das „follow up“ des Seminars und einen Rückblick auf den gemeinsamen Aufenthalt.
Den letzten Abend schlossen wir dann mit einer Abschiedsfeier und gemeinsamen Ausklang des Abends mit Musik und Tanz.
Testimonial by Flora Hirshfeld
It is great to meet people from other european countries, who share your interest in transnational communication about such an important issue as: Having fun!
we are young
here in europe
together - we're strong
power to the people, who fight for freedom and justice
in a world, that still lacks understanding.
Flora Hirshfeld
we are young
here in europe
together - we're strong
power to the people, who fight for freedom and justice
in a world, that still lacks understanding.
Flora Hirshfeld
Participación juvenil en Europa, una estrategia de comunicación e intercambio de conocimientos, by Guillem Gabarnet
Cuando descubrí por primera vez las posibilidades del programa de la UE “Youth in Action” se me abrió un abanico de posibilidades que nunca habría podido imaginar, desafortunadamente me llegó tarde, cuando ya, por necesidades profesionales decidí lanzarme a conocer este proyecto y me fui a Dublín a un seminario sobre participación juvenil.
Gran sorpresa la mía cuando con más miedo que pasión llegué a un pais que no conocía, con una gente que no hablaba mi idioma y con la que se suponía tenia que pasar una semana trabajando sobre la participación juvenil, ese tema tan extenso, abstracto y subjetivo sobre el que todos y todas hemos tenido miles de debates en nuestras organizaciones.
Pues resulta que tres horas después de llegar ya no había miedo, no había tensión y el idioma dejó de ser un problema, no porque yo tenga un control del inglés extremo sino porque todos y todas veníamos con los mismos miedos pero con la misma intención de conocer, no solo contenidos técnicos sobre participación sino también a diferente gente con realidades , en muchos casos totalmente opuestas, de las que impregnarse y de las que aprender. Así que, después de una semana de intenso trabajo me volví a Barcelona con más ganas de conocer y de aprovechar todas las iniciativas que brinda el programa “Youth in Action” y me puse a trabajar al momento, porque? Por que estas cosas requieren tiempo, esfuerzo y dedicación. Así que, tan solo llegar traspasé todo lo que había vivido durante esa semana a los jóvenes con los que estaba trabajando en ese momento, les expliqué la cantidad de experiencias que había vivido las posibilidades que tenían, la cantidad de gente interesante que hay por el mundo y la grandeza de poder salir y desencasillarnos de nuestros barrios y de nuestros territorios más próximos donde , muchas veces lo urgente se come a lo importante y no acabamos de generar proyectos creativos, innovadores y originales que den respuesta real a las problemáticas con las que convivimos.
La cosa fue larga pero conseguimos vincular a 11 jóvenes que con la idea de participar de algún proyecto e irse de paseo por Europa acabaron organizando un intercambio multilateral en su territorio. Es raro, pero fue así, en lugar de buscar “partners” y marcharse como consumidores decidieron organizarse y crear ellos y ellas un proyecto propio “ URBAN CULTURES”, proyecto de 9 días de duración en el que se trabajó la importancia de la gente de la calle, aquellos y aquellas jóvenes que de una manera informal están organizados y generan una cultura propia, salida de la calle, no subvencionada por grandes administraciones y que conlleva consigo un sentimiento de realización personal, de implicación social y en definitiva de democracia participativa auténtica.
Italia, Catalunya, Armenia, Georgia, Luxemburgo y Bielorusia fueron los países participantes , no diremos que no hubo problemas , ni tampoco que todo fue perfecto, eso no solo es imposible sino que además haría perder la naturalidad del proyecto, los conflictos generados dieron pie a cantidad de debates sobre las diferentes realidades juveniles y eso aunque de una manera indirecta enriqueció enormemente el proyecto, pues sin conflictos no hay evolución, necesitamos entrar en desacuerdo para poder construir nuevas formas de organización social, para crear una nueva sociedad plural y consecuente con todos y todas las jóvenes, ya no solo de Europa sino de todo el mundo.
Al finalizar el proyecto se inició un continuo trafico de mensajes y llamadas iniciadas por los propios participantes del proyecto, abriendo la puerta a nuevas iniciativas que seguro tendrán continuidad en algún futuro próximo.
Después de estas dos experiencias mis ganas de conocer se ampliaron todavía más, y es que esta claro que esto engancha, cuando sales por el mundo, cuando recibes gente en tu casa, se inicia un proceso que ya no se puede parar, de alguna manera entiendes la necesidad de interrelacionarte con más personas, de alguna manera empezamos a entender y a trabajar por esa aldea global donde las acciones de cada uno de nosotros pueden ser vinculantes para la transformación social de un mundo en el que vivimos todos y todas y del que hay que tomar una consciencia de construcción social global.
Así llegamos al punto de necesitar formación, formación para la participación, para trabajar fuera de nuestros territorios, para implicar a nuevos y nuevas jóvenes que puedan continuar tejiendo una red juvenil que trabaje para un futuro común. Es llegado este punto cuando decidí continuar con mi formación personal y profesional y aparecí en un nuevo seminario sobre participación.
Esta vez fue en Sirolo ( Italia ) y ya no con la intención de trabajar términos generales sobre participación juvenil sino para centrarnos en de que manera pueden implicarse los jóvenes a nivel europeo, cuales son realmente las ofertas del programa “Youth in Action”, que alternativas tenemos para comunicarnos de manera internacional,....
Esta vez, como no podía ser de otra manera, también fue una experiencia irrepetible, una semana de trabajo intenso centrándonos en las especificidades de cada uno de los programas, para que sirve cada uno, de que manera hay que hacer un proyecto internacional, que podemos abarcar con cada uno. Un temario que a primera vista puede parecer complicado e incluso pesado, pero otra vez más se repite la historia, gente de diferentes partes del mundo, con ganas de conocer a los demás, con ganas de trabajar y con ganas de que los debates creados no se queden en palabrería de unos días sino que realmente puedan ser el comienzo de grandes proyectos a compartir, y es de esta manera como se trabaja el programa “Youth in Action”, desde la experiencia personal, la comunicación, el trabajo en equipo y la afirmación de que otro mundo es posible y que somos muchos dispuestos a construirlo.
Guillem Gabarnet
Director Casal de Joves Guineueta, Barcelona
Gran sorpresa la mía cuando con más miedo que pasión llegué a un pais que no conocía, con una gente que no hablaba mi idioma y con la que se suponía tenia que pasar una semana trabajando sobre la participación juvenil, ese tema tan extenso, abstracto y subjetivo sobre el que todos y todas hemos tenido miles de debates en nuestras organizaciones.
Pues resulta que tres horas después de llegar ya no había miedo, no había tensión y el idioma dejó de ser un problema, no porque yo tenga un control del inglés extremo sino porque todos y todas veníamos con los mismos miedos pero con la misma intención de conocer, no solo contenidos técnicos sobre participación sino también a diferente gente con realidades , en muchos casos totalmente opuestas, de las que impregnarse y de las que aprender. Así que, después de una semana de intenso trabajo me volví a Barcelona con más ganas de conocer y de aprovechar todas las iniciativas que brinda el programa “Youth in Action” y me puse a trabajar al momento, porque? Por que estas cosas requieren tiempo, esfuerzo y dedicación. Así que, tan solo llegar traspasé todo lo que había vivido durante esa semana a los jóvenes con los que estaba trabajando en ese momento, les expliqué la cantidad de experiencias que había vivido las posibilidades que tenían, la cantidad de gente interesante que hay por el mundo y la grandeza de poder salir y desencasillarnos de nuestros barrios y de nuestros territorios más próximos donde , muchas veces lo urgente se come a lo importante y no acabamos de generar proyectos creativos, innovadores y originales que den respuesta real a las problemáticas con las que convivimos.
La cosa fue larga pero conseguimos vincular a 11 jóvenes que con la idea de participar de algún proyecto e irse de paseo por Europa acabaron organizando un intercambio multilateral en su territorio. Es raro, pero fue así, en lugar de buscar “partners” y marcharse como consumidores decidieron organizarse y crear ellos y ellas un proyecto propio “ URBAN CULTURES”, proyecto de 9 días de duración en el que se trabajó la importancia de la gente de la calle, aquellos y aquellas jóvenes que de una manera informal están organizados y generan una cultura propia, salida de la calle, no subvencionada por grandes administraciones y que conlleva consigo un sentimiento de realización personal, de implicación social y en definitiva de democracia participativa auténtica.
Italia, Catalunya, Armenia, Georgia, Luxemburgo y Bielorusia fueron los países participantes , no diremos que no hubo problemas , ni tampoco que todo fue perfecto, eso no solo es imposible sino que además haría perder la naturalidad del proyecto, los conflictos generados dieron pie a cantidad de debates sobre las diferentes realidades juveniles y eso aunque de una manera indirecta enriqueció enormemente el proyecto, pues sin conflictos no hay evolución, necesitamos entrar en desacuerdo para poder construir nuevas formas de organización social, para crear una nueva sociedad plural y consecuente con todos y todas las jóvenes, ya no solo de Europa sino de todo el mundo.
Al finalizar el proyecto se inició un continuo trafico de mensajes y llamadas iniciadas por los propios participantes del proyecto, abriendo la puerta a nuevas iniciativas que seguro tendrán continuidad en algún futuro próximo.
Después de estas dos experiencias mis ganas de conocer se ampliaron todavía más, y es que esta claro que esto engancha, cuando sales por el mundo, cuando recibes gente en tu casa, se inicia un proceso que ya no se puede parar, de alguna manera entiendes la necesidad de interrelacionarte con más personas, de alguna manera empezamos a entender y a trabajar por esa aldea global donde las acciones de cada uno de nosotros pueden ser vinculantes para la transformación social de un mundo en el que vivimos todos y todas y del que hay que tomar una consciencia de construcción social global.
Así llegamos al punto de necesitar formación, formación para la participación, para trabajar fuera de nuestros territorios, para implicar a nuevos y nuevas jóvenes que puedan continuar tejiendo una red juvenil que trabaje para un futuro común. Es llegado este punto cuando decidí continuar con mi formación personal y profesional y aparecí en un nuevo seminario sobre participación.
Esta vez fue en Sirolo ( Italia ) y ya no con la intención de trabajar términos generales sobre participación juvenil sino para centrarnos en de que manera pueden implicarse los jóvenes a nivel europeo, cuales son realmente las ofertas del programa “Youth in Action”, que alternativas tenemos para comunicarnos de manera internacional,....
Esta vez, como no podía ser de otra manera, también fue una experiencia irrepetible, una semana de trabajo intenso centrándonos en las especificidades de cada uno de los programas, para que sirve cada uno, de que manera hay que hacer un proyecto internacional, que podemos abarcar con cada uno. Un temario que a primera vista puede parecer complicado e incluso pesado, pero otra vez más se repite la historia, gente de diferentes partes del mundo, con ganas de conocer a los demás, con ganas de trabajar y con ganas de que los debates creados no se queden en palabrería de unos días sino que realmente puedan ser el comienzo de grandes proyectos a compartir, y es de esta manera como se trabaja el programa “Youth in Action”, desde la experiencia personal, la comunicación, el trabajo en equipo y la afirmación de que otro mundo es posible y que somos muchos dispuestos a construirlo.
Guillem Gabarnet
Director Casal de Joves Guineueta, Barcelona
Testimonial about YIA, by Terry Mattinson
The participation is an important tool & role for both young people and youth workers
in Europe, to give young people a 'real voice' and the opportunity to learn and share
their experiences with other young people.
Young people must feel empowered and that people are really listening to them,
because Adults must really listen to young people, support them to be able to make real
decisions that affect their lives at all levels of their personal and social development.
The European youth action programmes give young people a real opportunity for there
real ownership of being involved, to share their local, national and global experience
with each other, in a real social education experience to under stand all the cultural
differences to make a real make aa real difference to all young people in Europe and
Global World we live in.
Terry Mattinson
in Europe, to give young people a 'real voice' and the opportunity to learn and share
their experiences with other young people.
Young people must feel empowered and that people are really listening to them,
because Adults must really listen to young people, support them to be able to make real
decisions that affect their lives at all levels of their personal and social development.
The European youth action programmes give young people a real opportunity for there
real ownership of being involved, to share their local, national and global experience
with each other, in a real social education experience to under stand all the cultural
differences to make a real make aa real difference to all young people in Europe and
Global World we live in.
Terry Mattinson
Testimonial about YIA (in greek), by Marios Nicolaou
Γεια χαρά,
Μέσα από την συμμετοχή μου στα προγράμματα Youth in Action έχω κατανοήσει την διαφορετικότητα μεταξύ των διαφόρων λαών αλλά ταυτόχρονα και τα πολλά κοινά που έχουμε. Κυριότερα εξ αυτών είναι η αγάπη μας για την μάθηση και την εξερεύνηση νέων στοιχείων από την ζωή και την κουλτούρα συνανθρώπων μας αλλά και η ίδια επαφή με ανθρώπους που προέρχονται από χώρες μακριά από την πατρίδα μας.
Όταν το 2005 ξεκίνησα για να συμμετέχω στο πρώτο πρόγραμμα στα πλαίσια Youth in Action , δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ τι θα επακολουθούσε μέσα στα επόμενα χρόνια. Θα το παρομοίαζα με την αράχνη που φτιάχνει τον ιστό της σιγά σιγά. Δεν είναι υπερβολή να αναφέρω ότι μέσα από την συμμετοχή μου τόσο στο τελευταίο σεμινάριο στην Πολωνία με τίτλο "Join Our Game" όσο και από προηγούμενες συμμετοχές μου από το 2005, απέκτησα εμπειρίες και γνώσεις που με κανένα άλλο τρόπο δεν θα μπορούσα να έχω. Μου δόθηκε η ευκαιρία να εργαστώ μαζί με νέους από πολλές χώρες, προερχόμενους από διαφορετικές κουλτούρες, θρησκείες αλλά και τρόπο ζωής και σκέψης.
Μέσα από την επαφή αυτή κάθε νέος έχει μόνο να κερδίσει. Μπορεί να εκτιμήσει καλύτερα την πατρίδα του και αυτά που του προσφέρει αλλά την ίδια ώρα να μάθει άλλα τόσα από την ζωή και τον τρόπο σκέψης άλλων νέων. Τα βιώματα από τέτοια προγράμματα είναι μοναδικά.
Συστήνω και ενθαρρύνω ανεπιφύλακτα κάθε νέο να συμμετέχει με κάθε ευκαιρία σε προγράμματα που τους αφορούν. Η γνώση και η εμπειρία θα τους κάνουν πιο δυνατούς. Αυτό μπορεί να γίνει πράξη μέσα από την επαφή και την ενεργό ανάμειξη τους με οργανωμένα σύνολα καθώς και μέσα από την εθελοντική τους προσφορά.
Εύχομαι το καλύτερο στο καθένα σας.
Μέσα από την συμμετοχή μου στα προγράμματα Youth in Action έχω κατανοήσει την διαφορετικότητα μεταξύ των διαφόρων λαών αλλά ταυτόχρονα και τα πολλά κοινά που έχουμε. Κυριότερα εξ αυτών είναι η αγάπη μας για την μάθηση και την εξερεύνηση νέων στοιχείων από την ζωή και την κουλτούρα συνανθρώπων μας αλλά και η ίδια επαφή με ανθρώπους που προέρχονται από χώρες μακριά από την πατρίδα μας.
Όταν το 2005 ξεκίνησα για να συμμετέχω στο πρώτο πρόγραμμα στα πλαίσια Youth in Action , δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ τι θα επακολουθούσε μέσα στα επόμενα χρόνια. Θα το παρομοίαζα με την αράχνη που φτιάχνει τον ιστό της σιγά σιγά. Δεν είναι υπερβολή να αναφέρω ότι μέσα από την συμμετοχή μου τόσο στο τελευταίο σεμινάριο στην Πολωνία με τίτλο "Join Our Game" όσο και από προηγούμενες συμμετοχές μου από το 2005, απέκτησα εμπειρίες και γνώσεις που με κανένα άλλο τρόπο δεν θα μπορούσα να έχω. Μου δόθηκε η ευκαιρία να εργαστώ μαζί με νέους από πολλές χώρες, προερχόμενους από διαφορετικές κουλτούρες, θρησκείες αλλά και τρόπο ζωής και σκέψης.
Μέσα από την επαφή αυτή κάθε νέος έχει μόνο να κερδίσει. Μπορεί να εκτιμήσει καλύτερα την πατρίδα του και αυτά που του προσφέρει αλλά την ίδια ώρα να μάθει άλλα τόσα από την ζωή και τον τρόπο σκέψης άλλων νέων. Τα βιώματα από τέτοια προγράμματα είναι μοναδικά.
Συστήνω και ενθαρρύνω ανεπιφύλακτα κάθε νέο να συμμετέχει με κάθε ευκαιρία σε προγράμματα που τους αφορούν. Η γνώση και η εμπειρία θα τους κάνουν πιο δυνατούς. Αυτό μπορεί να γίνει πράξη μέσα από την επαφή και την ενεργό ανάμειξη τους με οργανωμένα σύνολα καθώς και μέσα από την εθελοντική τους προσφορά.
Εύχομαι το καλύτερο στο καθένα σας.
Testimonial about "Join Our Game"
Seminar "Join In Game" was very informative, I learned a lot of things, gained a lot of contacts in the various youth organizations in Europe (Portugal, Poland, Romania, Latvia, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia ... etc). Know Poland city Zakopane and Mount Gubalowku, really a great week. Thank you all for that.
Thanks and have a nice day
Aleš Urban
Czech Republic
Thanks and have a nice day
Aleš Urban
Czech Republic
sábado, 24 de maio de 2008
Projectos Internacionais: Inscrições Abertas
Estão abertas as inscrições em projectos internacionais para os jovens interessados em participar. Estes projectos, no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção, permitirão que diversos jovens bracarenses possam, através da Ágora Bracarense, conhecer este programa e alargar os seus horizontes, ao participar em actividades, intercâmbios e cursos de formação com outros jovens da União Europeia.
Os projectos são os seguintes, sendo que existem vagas e tu podes ser um participante:
- SMART BLOND (Training Course) - Strakonice (Rep. Checa) - 26 Julho a 2 Agosto: este projecto tem como objectivo indentificar a forma como lidamos com a diferença entre pessoas, através da aprendizagem experimental, e educação não-formal. O objectivo é prevenir a criação de esteriotipos negativos e preconceitos contra diferentes subculturas e nações. Pensas que todos os homossexuais adoram cor-de-rosa, que os rapazes não choram e que as loiras são burras?? Participa neste projecto!
- RELAX (Training Course) - Kayseri (Turquia) - 26 a 31 Agosto: este projecto pretende motivar jovens a desenvolver projectos no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção e a melhorar a qualidade destes projectos. Abordará ainda a questão da gestão de conflitos. Este é talvez o melhor projecto que um principiante em projectos internacionais pode ter. Aceitas o desafio?
- PAPARAZZI OF YOUTH PROJECTS (Training Course) - Loughborough (Inglaterra) - 28 Setembro a 5 Outubro: este curso de formação, enquadrado na Acção 3.1 do Programa Juventude em Acção, abordará a temática dos "media" e pretende fornecer conhecimento sobre os diferentes tipos de "media" e explorar formas eficazes de trabalho com os orgãos de comunicação social, de forma a promover as actividades das associações.`Se és activo, dinâmico e comunicativo, este é o teu projecto.
- HORRAY EATING AGAIN (Contact Making Seminar) - Manisa (Turquia) - 6 a 14 Outubro: este projecto foi preparado para descobrir as diferenças entre gostos das cozinhas de diferentes países e também permitirá o diálogo entre jovens de diversas culturas europeias, num curso à volta da comida. Haverá também um espaço para debater sobre comida biológica e as vantagens de uma alimentação rica em produtos naturais. Vem descobrir os sabores da Europa neste projecto delicioso.
- COMMUNICATION WITH NO LIMITS (Contact Making Seminar) - Tatra Mountains (Polónia) - 10 a 14 Outubro: este é um seminário de contactos, para alargar a rede da Ágora Bracarense, para conhecer novos parceiros e ideial para quem quiser saber mais sobre o Programa Juventude em Acção. A comunicar é que os jovens se entendem.
Convidamos todos os jovens com espírito de aventura a entrar em contacto com a Ágora Bracarense e a conhecer as nossas ideias, os nossos projectos.Mais informação em http://www.agorabracarense.blogspot.com/
Dúvidas? agorabracarense@gmail.comEstes projectos são financiados pela U.E. no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção.
Os projectos são os seguintes, sendo que existem vagas e tu podes ser um participante:
- SMART BLOND (Training Course) - Strakonice (Rep. Checa) - 26 Julho a 2 Agosto: este projecto tem como objectivo indentificar a forma como lidamos com a diferença entre pessoas, através da aprendizagem experimental, e educação não-formal. O objectivo é prevenir a criação de esteriotipos negativos e preconceitos contra diferentes subculturas e nações. Pensas que todos os homossexuais adoram cor-de-rosa, que os rapazes não choram e que as loiras são burras?? Participa neste projecto!
- RELAX (Training Course) - Kayseri (Turquia) - 26 a 31 Agosto: este projecto pretende motivar jovens a desenvolver projectos no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção e a melhorar a qualidade destes projectos. Abordará ainda a questão da gestão de conflitos. Este é talvez o melhor projecto que um principiante em projectos internacionais pode ter. Aceitas o desafio?
- PAPARAZZI OF YOUTH PROJECTS (Training Course) - Loughborough (Inglaterra) - 28 Setembro a 5 Outubro: este curso de formação, enquadrado na Acção 3.1 do Programa Juventude em Acção, abordará a temática dos "media" e pretende fornecer conhecimento sobre os diferentes tipos de "media" e explorar formas eficazes de trabalho com os orgãos de comunicação social, de forma a promover as actividades das associações.`Se és activo, dinâmico e comunicativo, este é o teu projecto.
- HORRAY EATING AGAIN (Contact Making Seminar) - Manisa (Turquia) - 6 a 14 Outubro: este projecto foi preparado para descobrir as diferenças entre gostos das cozinhas de diferentes países e também permitirá o diálogo entre jovens de diversas culturas europeias, num curso à volta da comida. Haverá também um espaço para debater sobre comida biológica e as vantagens de uma alimentação rica em produtos naturais. Vem descobrir os sabores da Europa neste projecto delicioso.
- COMMUNICATION WITH NO LIMITS (Contact Making Seminar) - Tatra Mountains (Polónia) - 10 a 14 Outubro: este é um seminário de contactos, para alargar a rede da Ágora Bracarense, para conhecer novos parceiros e ideial para quem quiser saber mais sobre o Programa Juventude em Acção. A comunicar é que os jovens se entendem.
Convidamos todos os jovens com espírito de aventura a entrar em contacto com a Ágora Bracarense e a conhecer as nossas ideias, os nossos projectos.Mais informação em http://www.agorabracarense.blogspot.com/
Dúvidas? agorabracarense@gmail.comEstes projectos são financiados pela U.E. no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção.
terça-feira, 11 de março de 2008
Projecto Paparazzi of Youth Projects - detalhes:

Charnwood Racial Equality Council in partnership with Charnwood Arts are looking to apply for 1 April for a TC (Action 3.1) in media aiming to give youth workers knowledge about different kind of media and to explore effective ways to work with them in order to promote one's activities.
The following objectives have been set in order to reach the aim :
- To develop the skills of youth leaders to promote and disseminate the results of youth projects and concerns via media.
- To strengthen awareness and understanding among young leaders from different countries on significant role of media
- To discuss issues on media coverage related to youth NGOs and “Youth in Action” programme
- To improve knowledge of the participants how to work with and utilize mass media in broad cast, press and new media through practical training
- To share information and exchange best practices among participants, how to promote NGOs and “Youth in Action” programme
- To equip participates with the different types of communication tools; introduce them to the diverse types of media and its specific requirements (how journalists work and what they need)
- To develop the ability of youth workers to interact with media at local, national and international levels and strengthen the cooperation among them.
- To create media policy and strategy for youth organisations
- To explore new ideas and actions for youth organisations to utilise and approach media
The dates are not fixed yet, but it will be most likely in October (beginning 6-12).
- To develop the skills of youth leaders to promote and disseminate the results of youth projects and concerns via media.
- To strengthen awareness and understanding among young leaders from different countries on significant role of media
- To discuss issues on media coverage related to youth NGOs and “Youth in Action” programme
- To improve knowledge of the participants how to work with and utilize mass media in broad cast, press and new media through practical training
- To share information and exchange best practices among participants, how to promote NGOs and “Youth in Action” programme
- To equip participates with the different types of communication tools; introduce them to the diverse types of media and its specific requirements (how journalists work and what they need)
- To develop the ability of youth workers to interact with media at local, national and international levels and strengthen the cooperation among them.
- To create media policy and strategy for youth organisations
- To explore new ideas and actions for youth organisations to utilise and approach media
The dates are not fixed yet, but it will be most likely in October (beginning 6-12).
Os interessados em participar neste projecto deverão contactar-nos para: agorabracarense@gmail.com
sábado, 8 de março de 2008
Projecto Hooray Eating Again! - detalhes:

Action – 1.1 / YOUTH Exchange
06th – 14th October, 2008
(to be applied for the deadline April 1st, 2008)
About the seminar:
Our project has been prepared to discover the differences between the tastes of different countries’ cuisines. And also this project will bring together young people and realise a dialogue between European Cultures with the food course. During this seminar we will also realize the food productions of youngsters coming from different parts of Europe. As a result we will exhibit the foods in the social locals to the catering services. At the beginning of the seminar, we would like to arrange theoric part of the seminar on natural/organic ingredients. We clearly want to
emphasize the importance of using healthy agricultural products. Scientific support will be requested from the city university.
Objectives:Our project has been prepared to discover the differences between the tastes of different countries’ cuisines. And also this project will bring together young people and realise a dialogue between European Cultures with the food course. During this seminar we will also realize the food productions of youngsters coming from different parts of Europe. As a result we will exhibit the foods in the social locals to the catering services. At the beginning of the seminar, we would like to arrange theoric part of the seminar on natural/organic ingredients. We clearly want to
emphasize the importance of using healthy agricultural products. Scientific support will be requested from the city university.
· The foods prepared during the project will be gathered in a recipe book.
· At the end of the project the web-site and vcd will be prepared and an instant communication between the participants will be enabled.
· To encourage the usage of natural and organic ingredients for a healthy life.
· To enable to be recognised different cuisines.
· To realize the dialogue between the European Cultures with the food course.
· To provide the participants with the knowledge of the YOUTH Program
· To start new partnerships / friendships.
· One of our aims is to discover new trimmings, by tasting.
· To discover the differences between the tastes of different countries cuisines.
· To use natural and organic ingredients widely.
· With the help of our food course , all participants are going to get different recipes.By means of this they are
going to improve their food culture.
· To reach a lot of people with web-site,vcd and recipe books.
· To introduce the organic agriculture in our district…
· To introduce our traditional cuisine to the participant countries and to learn their traditional cuisine.
· To reveal new tastes and menu.
· One of our aims is to discover new trimmings, by tasting.
· To discover the differences between the tastes of different countries cuisines.
· To use natural and organic ingredients widely.
· With the help of our food course , all participants are going to get different recipes.By means of this they are
going to improve their food culture.
· To reach a lot of people with web-site,vcd and recipe books.
· To introduce the organic agriculture in our district…
· To introduce our traditional cuisine to the participant countries and to learn their traditional cuisine.
· To reveal new tastes and menu.
Venue Places:
The project will take in Manisa,Turkey between 06th-14th of October, 2008.The workshops and activities will be held in the same building(Teachers’ House) where the participants will stay during the seminar.The program will include visits to historically and culturally important places in Manisa and Izmir (Bergama, Sardes, Niobe). The participants will also have free time to explore the city by themselves.
The project will take in Manisa,Turkey between 06th-14th of October, 2008.The workshops and activities will be held in the same building(Teachers’ House) where the participants will stay during the seminar.The program will include visits to historically and culturally important places in Manisa and Izmir (Bergama, Sardes, Niobe). The participants will also have free time to explore the city by themselves.
All the activities will be held in English. We will mainly;
· Arrange informal educational methods, like games, presantions, simulations, icebreaks, energisers.
· Organize intercultural evenings and national presantations of the partner countries.
· Form on-going steaming groups in which participants will be able to evaluate the program daily.
· Arrange a competition between the participant countries about their traditional food.
· Arrange an activitiy where the participant countries will cook their traditional food with traditional methods.
· The products that are produced will be revealed in the public places to the public (Teachers’ House)
· To arrange a workshop about natural and organic ingredients with the university teachers from the city university.
· To visit the fields where organic agriculture are performed.
· Visit some historical places.
All the activities will be held in English. We will mainly;
· Arrange informal educational methods, like games, presantions, simulations, icebreaks, energisers.
· Organize intercultural evenings and national presantations of the partner countries.
· Form on-going steaming groups in which participants will be able to evaluate the program daily.
· Arrange a competition between the participant countries about their traditional food.
· Arrange an activitiy where the participant countries will cook their traditional food with traditional methods.
· The products that are produced will be revealed in the public places to the public (Teachers’ House)
· To arrange a workshop about natural and organic ingredients with the university teachers from the city university.
· To visit the fields where organic agriculture are performed.
· Visit some historical places.
· Farewell Party.
Participants profiles:
Application for programme countries is available.4 participants and a leader per organization will attend to our project. Age profile of participants will be 15-25.
Application for programme countries is available.4 participants and a leader per organization will attend to our project. Age profile of participants will be 15-25.
Financial Details:
The programme will cover all the accommodation and food costs during the programme, %70 percent of the travel costs and visa costs.
Os interessados em participar neste projecto deverão contactar-nos para: agorabracarense@gmail.com
The programme will cover all the accommodation and food costs during the programme, %70 percent of the travel costs and visa costs.
Os interessados em participar neste projecto deverão contactar-nos para: agorabracarense@gmail.com
Projecto Smart Blond - detalhes:

Do you think that all homosexuals love pink color, boys do not cry and blond girl are stupid? Join our training course!
Details about the training course:
Title: „ Smart Blond“
Action: 4.3
Dates: Start of training course July 26th to August 2nd 2008 (July 26th is the day of arrival and August 2nd is the day of departure)
Place: Close to Strakonice, Czech Republic
Target group of participants: workers with youth, professionals who meet any kind of differences at work or daily live, people who are interested in this topic
Participants: max 30 participants aged: 18 – 99.
Summary of the project
The PREVENT association is providing social services in the whole South Czech region. The main focus in all projects is on drug prevention, but the methods, which we use, are very different as we are trying to cover all levels of the prevention field. We are active in the primary prevention. We run an experiential courses for school children and students, educative projects for pedagogues and workers with youth and training courses for peer activist. The second part of our programmes is providing social services for current drug users. We provide exchange programmes for them as well as services for ex-users.
Because of our work , we have a rich experience with prejudices and stereotypes. We can meet this kind of attitudes in our work every day. We discovered the way how to identify this kind of thinking and how to prevent it. We would like to share our experience.
Main Topic: Prejudices and Stereotypes
· How to work with expectation on the other nations.
· How to deal with the attitude against a new member states of EU.
· How to identify soon prejudices of social worker, teachers and others against differences (subkulures of disabled, homosexual, inhabitants of development and borders area etc. )
· The part of Youth exchange programmes in prevention of xenofoby between Youth inside the EU.
Main Aim:
Main aim of this training course is to identify the way how we percieve differences between people through experiential learning and outdoor education. We want to prevent creation of negative stereotypes and prejudices against different subcultures and nations. Participants of our training course will be educated in specific methods of identifying prejudices to use these methods and improve their work with youth. We will focus on the experiences of participants during the course and on the other hand on transmission of these experiences to theirs clients.
This topic will be examined through real experiences of participants, outdoor activities, discussion, worshops and their feedback. Our team consist of lectors of experiencial education and learning. During this course participants will meet some members of particular subcultures which often face stigmatization and negative prejudical attitude. We will be cooperate with local comunity as well. To conclude and evaluate our cours we wil organise final exhibition with local band, international buffet and further activities conducted by participants.
· Experiential learning and outdoor activities
· Self reflexion activities
· Group dynamic activities
· Relaxation activities
· Workshops
· Workgroups for discussion the problem
· Workshop of performance with local people
· Presentation of dishes and tradicions
· Meeting with the local authorities
Details about the training course:
Title: „ Smart Blond“
Action: 4.3
Dates: Start of training course July 26th to August 2nd 2008 (July 26th is the day of arrival and August 2nd is the day of departure)
Place: Close to Strakonice, Czech Republic
Target group of participants: workers with youth, professionals who meet any kind of differences at work or daily live, people who are interested in this topic
Participants: max 30 participants aged: 18 – 99.
Summary of the project
The PREVENT association is providing social services in the whole South Czech region. The main focus in all projects is on drug prevention, but the methods, which we use, are very different as we are trying to cover all levels of the prevention field. We are active in the primary prevention. We run an experiential courses for school children and students, educative projects for pedagogues and workers with youth and training courses for peer activist. The second part of our programmes is providing social services for current drug users. We provide exchange programmes for them as well as services for ex-users.
Because of our work , we have a rich experience with prejudices and stereotypes. We can meet this kind of attitudes in our work every day. We discovered the way how to identify this kind of thinking and how to prevent it. We would like to share our experience.
Main Topic: Prejudices and Stereotypes
· How to work with expectation on the other nations.
· How to deal with the attitude against a new member states of EU.
· How to identify soon prejudices of social worker, teachers and others against differences (subkulures of disabled, homosexual, inhabitants of development and borders area etc. )
· The part of Youth exchange programmes in prevention of xenofoby between Youth inside the EU.
Main Aim:
Main aim of this training course is to identify the way how we percieve differences between people through experiential learning and outdoor education. We want to prevent creation of negative stereotypes and prejudices against different subcultures and nations. Participants of our training course will be educated in specific methods of identifying prejudices to use these methods and improve their work with youth. We will focus on the experiences of participants during the course and on the other hand on transmission of these experiences to theirs clients.
This topic will be examined through real experiences of participants, outdoor activities, discussion, worshops and their feedback. Our team consist of lectors of experiencial education and learning. During this course participants will meet some members of particular subcultures which often face stigmatization and negative prejudical attitude. We will be cooperate with local comunity as well. To conclude and evaluate our cours we wil organise final exhibition with local band, international buffet and further activities conducted by participants.
· Experiential learning and outdoor activities
· Self reflexion activities
· Group dynamic activities
· Relaxation activities
· Workshops
· Workgroups for discussion the problem
· Workshop of performance with local people
· Presentation of dishes and tradicions
· Meeting with the local authorities
Impact on participants:
Participants will be able to identify sareotypes against their potencial clients and on the other hand they will be able guide their clients to recognize and eliminate prejudices against different subcultures. Participants gain on this course specific techniques and methods how to deal with prejudices and stereotypes to improve their work with clients. Particapants will share their experiences from particular countries and organization and they will enter into a partnership between each other.
Impact on participating organization:
Thanks to taking part in this course organization gain new useful contact with similiar organization in different country. Participation on this projekt organization also support employers well-beeing and prevent burnout. Thanks to the projekt participants gain specific education technique which help improve their work.
Impact on local community:
Our project will help to make local public and young people aquintance with YOUTH program. It will help to break stereotypes a prejudice of local people gainst foreiners and participants against local public as well.
Financial Condition:
70% of international travel costs are covered by the Youth Program funds.This amount will be reimbursed, presenting original bill and original travel tickets and boarding passes.
Accommodation and diet during the course will be fully covered by hosting organisation.
Visa cost is 100% covered.
Os interessados em participar neste projecto deverão contactar-nos para: agorabracarense@gmail.com
Participants will be able to identify sareotypes against their potencial clients and on the other hand they will be able guide their clients to recognize and eliminate prejudices against different subcultures. Participants gain on this course specific techniques and methods how to deal with prejudices and stereotypes to improve their work with clients. Particapants will share their experiences from particular countries and organization and they will enter into a partnership between each other.
Impact on participating organization:
Thanks to taking part in this course organization gain new useful contact with similiar organization in different country. Participation on this projekt organization also support employers well-beeing and prevent burnout. Thanks to the projekt participants gain specific education technique which help improve their work.
Impact on local community:
Our project will help to make local public and young people aquintance with YOUTH program. It will help to break stereotypes a prejudice of local people gainst foreiners and participants against local public as well.
Financial Condition:
70% of international travel costs are covered by the Youth Program funds.This amount will be reimbursed, presenting original bill and original travel tickets and boarding passes.
Accommodation and diet during the course will be fully covered by hosting organisation.
Visa cost is 100% covered.
Os interessados em participar neste projecto deverão contactar-nos para: agorabracarense@gmail.com
sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008
Projecto Tic Tac Turkey
TicTac targets at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders involved in international youth work.
Activity date
2008-04-02 - 2008-04-08
Activity type
Training course
Target group
Youth leaders, Youth workers
The overall aim of the TicTac TC is:
- to promote the development of quality Action 4.3 (Action 5 of the YOUTH programme) projects under the new Youth in Action programme in order to support the needs of the organisation and its international partners.
The specific objectives of the course are:
- to explore the aims of Action 4.3 (former Action 5) and its activities
- to find out how Action 4.3 activities match the needs and resources of the participating organisations
- to experience a quality Action 4.3 project by participating in the TicTac training
- to try out creating an Action 4.3 project in an international team
- to develop skills useful for running an Action 4.3 project
- to become inspired to do Action 4.3 projectsIn the training course the participants have the opportunity to meet and to get to know other organisations, but contact making is not directly a priority of the training course.
Activity date
2008-04-02 - 2008-04-08
Activity type
Training course
Target group
Youth leaders, Youth workers
The overall aim of the TicTac TC is:
- to promote the development of quality Action 4.3 (Action 5 of the YOUTH programme) projects under the new Youth in Action programme in order to support the needs of the organisation and its international partners.
The specific objectives of the course are:
- to explore the aims of Action 4.3 (former Action 5) and its activities
- to find out how Action 4.3 activities match the needs and resources of the participating organisations
- to experience a quality Action 4.3 project by participating in the TicTac training
- to try out creating an Action 4.3 project in an international team
- to develop skills useful for running an Action 4.3 project
- to become inspired to do Action 4.3 projectsIn the training course the participants have the opportunity to meet and to get to know other organisations, but contact making is not directly a priority of the training course.
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008
Programa do CMS - Join Our Game - Zakopane Mar 2008
Day 2 13.03
Opening ceremony – the mayor of the City.
Introduction to the team
Ice breaking and name games
Introduction of: Participants, program, hopes and fears.
BLOCK I – Building of team
1. Major Types of Teams
2. Stages of Team Development
3. Guidelines for Designing Teams
4. Team – roles
Zakopane city by night.
Day 3 14.03
Visiting Zakopane.
Hiking in the mountains. Ski lift to Gubalowka mountain. Visiting the shelter.
BLOCK II – Management of NGO
1. Management in crisis situations
2. Basics of internal communication
3. Theories of leadership and types of leaders
International Party – all countries present their culture, traditions and…
Day 4 15.03
Discussion about the possibilities of cooperation between different organizations.
Creating common project – Youth Exchange.
BLOCK III – Founds raising
1. Basic guidelines for fundraising
2. Where is the money? Useful tips.
3. Pros and cons of typical fundraising sources
BLOCK IV - Evaluation
1. What is evaluation?
2. Key elements of evaluation
3. Basic types of evaluation
Farewell party.
Opening ceremony – the mayor of the City.
Introduction to the team
Ice breaking and name games
Introduction of: Participants, program, hopes and fears.
BLOCK I – Building of team
1. Major Types of Teams
2. Stages of Team Development
3. Guidelines for Designing Teams
4. Team – roles
Zakopane city by night.
Day 3 14.03
Visiting Zakopane.
Hiking in the mountains. Ski lift to Gubalowka mountain. Visiting the shelter.
BLOCK II – Management of NGO
1. Management in crisis situations
2. Basics of internal communication
3. Theories of leadership and types of leaders
International Party – all countries present their culture, traditions and…
Day 4 15.03
Discussion about the possibilities of cooperation between different organizations.
Creating common project – Youth Exchange.
BLOCK III – Founds raising
1. Basic guidelines for fundraising
2. Where is the money? Useful tips.
3. Pros and cons of typical fundraising sources
BLOCK IV - Evaluation
1. What is evaluation?
2. Key elements of evaluation
3. Basic types of evaluation
Farewell party.
segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008
Join Our Game - Pormenores do Projecto
Background information
Association Active Youth invites you for Contact Making Seminar
“Join our game“ that is planned to be held in Poland, 12-16 March 2008. The seminar brings a chance to gather people involved in youth work from different countries. The participants will learn more about the Youth in Action Programme and develop new projects within its frames. The seminar language will be English.
Aims of the seminar
to get to know each other & experience the international cooperation
to exchange experience and ideas of methods in youth work especially sport activities
to talk about the social inclusion in the context of cultural diversity
to learn about active citizenship and non-formal education
to present Youth in Action Programme and its possibilities for young people
to create ideas for future cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme
Participant’s profile
actively involved in the field of youth work
over 18
be prepared to present their own organisation to the other participants of the seminar
be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole seminar and to contribute to the development of the future projects
Mais info de Zakopane: http://www.zakopane.pl
Association Active Youth invites you for Contact Making Seminar
“Join our game“ that is planned to be held in Poland, 12-16 March 2008. The seminar brings a chance to gather people involved in youth work from different countries. The participants will learn more about the Youth in Action Programme and develop new projects within its frames. The seminar language will be English.
Aims of the seminar
to get to know each other & experience the international cooperation
to exchange experience and ideas of methods in youth work especially sport activities
to talk about the social inclusion in the context of cultural diversity
to learn about active citizenship and non-formal education
to present Youth in Action Programme and its possibilities for young people
to create ideas for future cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme
Participant’s profile
actively involved in the field of youth work
over 18
be prepared to present their own organisation to the other participants of the seminar
be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole seminar and to contribute to the development of the future projects
Mais info de Zakopane: http://www.zakopane.pl
sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2008
Links importantes dos Programas para Jovens da U.E.

Direcção Geral de Educação e Cultura (estrutura da Comissão Europeia responsável pela implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Secretaria de Estado da Juventude e Desporto
Instituto Português da Juventude/ Portal da Juventude
Portal Europeu de Juventude
http://www.salto-youth.net/SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres (organização que apoia a implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Salto Youth - Base de dados de parceiros
Eurodesk - Portal de informação europeia para os jovens
Plataforma Euromed - Base de dados de parcerias
British Council - Base de dados de parcerias
Youth for Europe - Base de dados de parceiros
Organização das Nações Unidas
Conselho da Europa
Conselho Nacional da Juventude
Federação Nacional de Associações Juvenis
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Associação de Ex-voluntários
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Base de dados de organizações acreditadas
Fundação para a Divulgação das Novas Tecnologias de Informação
Pousadas e Juventude de Portugal
Direcção Geral de Educação e Cultura (estrutura da Comissão Europeia responsável pela implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Secretaria de Estado da Juventude e Desporto
Instituto Português da Juventude/ Portal da Juventude
Portal Europeu de Juventude
http://www.salto-youth.net/SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres (organização que apoia a implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Salto Youth - Base de dados de parceiros
Eurodesk - Portal de informação europeia para os jovens
Plataforma Euromed - Base de dados de parcerias
British Council - Base de dados de parcerias
Youth for Europe - Base de dados de parceiros
Organização das Nações Unidas
Conselho da Europa
Conselho Nacional da Juventude
Federação Nacional de Associações Juvenis
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Associação de Ex-voluntários
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Base de dados de organizações acreditadas
Fundação para a Divulgação das Novas Tecnologias de Informação
Pousadas e Juventude de Portugal
sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2007
Conferência Final do Yes Project - 18 Janeiro 2008
On January 18, the “Polo Multimediale La nave di Harlock” will host the concluding conference of the EU project YES-Young European Stage Network.
Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the conclusion of the works around the YES project, the event will represent a perfect occasion to stimulate reflections and debates concerning youth needs and the policies (national, local and European) which aim at satisfying such needs, but also concerning the role of youngsters in Europe.
The YES project, coordinated by Mondo-Palcogiovani from Brescia, is financed with the support of the European Youth Programme (Action 5) of the European Commission and with the contribution from the Municipality of Brescia. The project involves organizations (both public and no-profit), from six EU countries (Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Germania, Spain e Portugal) which will take part to the event. The YES project aims at favouring dialogue and debate among the actors (institutions, associations etc.) working with and for young people, through the consolidation and promotion of a network aimed at promoting youth projects in the framework of EU opportunities as well as local initiatives.
Youngsters represent in today’s Europe not only a resource but also the future protagonist of the European project. At the same time, for its youngsters, Europe represents a great opportunity for personal and career development. However, as of today, such resource seem to be very little valorized still and Europe (with its institutions, policies and programmes) still too distant from the daily life of many European youngsters. In spite of the several European initiatives (programmes such as Youth in Action, but also Erasmus and Leonardo), as well as the national and local ones (i.e. creation of specific policies and activities for youngsters etc.); discrepancies persists and they should find a solution in a tighter collaboration between different political level and also between institutional actors, youth actors and the youngsters themselves.
In this context, the final conference of the YES project intends to, not only disseminating information concerning the project and the YES network as tools at the service of European youngsters to help them take full advantage of the opportunities available to them, but also favour a larger debate concerning the key role youngsters play in the evolution of the European Project.
Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the conclusion of the works around the YES project, the event will represent a perfect occasion to stimulate reflections and debates concerning youth needs and the policies (national, local and European) which aim at satisfying such needs, but also concerning the role of youngsters in Europe.
The YES project, coordinated by Mondo-Palcogiovani from Brescia, is financed with the support of the European Youth Programme (Action 5) of the European Commission and with the contribution from the Municipality of Brescia. The project involves organizations (both public and no-profit), from six EU countries (Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Germania, Spain e Portugal) which will take part to the event. The YES project aims at favouring dialogue and debate among the actors (institutions, associations etc.) working with and for young people, through the consolidation and promotion of a network aimed at promoting youth projects in the framework of EU opportunities as well as local initiatives.
Youngsters represent in today’s Europe not only a resource but also the future protagonist of the European project. At the same time, for its youngsters, Europe represents a great opportunity for personal and career development. However, as of today, such resource seem to be very little valorized still and Europe (with its institutions, policies and programmes) still too distant from the daily life of many European youngsters. In spite of the several European initiatives (programmes such as Youth in Action, but also Erasmus and Leonardo), as well as the national and local ones (i.e. creation of specific policies and activities for youngsters etc.); discrepancies persists and they should find a solution in a tighter collaboration between different political level and also between institutional actors, youth actors and the youngsters themselves.
In this context, the final conference of the YES project intends to, not only disseminating information concerning the project and the YES network as tools at the service of European youngsters to help them take full advantage of the opportunities available to them, but also favour a larger debate concerning the key role youngsters play in the evolution of the European Project.
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