sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2007
Conferência Final do Yes Project - 18 Janeiro 2008
Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the conclusion of the works around the YES project, the event will represent a perfect occasion to stimulate reflections and debates concerning youth needs and the policies (national, local and European) which aim at satisfying such needs, but also concerning the role of youngsters in Europe.
The YES project, coordinated by Mondo-Palcogiovani from Brescia, is financed with the support of the European Youth Programme (Action 5) of the European Commission and with the contribution from the Municipality of Brescia. The project involves organizations (both public and no-profit), from six EU countries (Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Germania, Spain e Portugal) which will take part to the event. The YES project aims at favouring dialogue and debate among the actors (institutions, associations etc.) working with and for young people, through the consolidation and promotion of a network aimed at promoting youth projects in the framework of EU opportunities as well as local initiatives.
Youngsters represent in today’s Europe not only a resource but also the future protagonist of the European project. At the same time, for its youngsters, Europe represents a great opportunity for personal and career development. However, as of today, such resource seem to be very little valorized still and Europe (with its institutions, policies and programmes) still too distant from the daily life of many European youngsters. In spite of the several European initiatives (programmes such as Youth in Action, but also Erasmus and Leonardo), as well as the national and local ones (i.e. creation of specific policies and activities for youngsters etc.); discrepancies persists and they should find a solution in a tighter collaboration between different political level and also between institutional actors, youth actors and the youngsters themselves.
In this context, the final conference of the YES project intends to, not only disseminating information concerning the project and the YES network as tools at the service of European youngsters to help them take full advantage of the opportunities available to them, but also favour a larger debate concerning the key role youngsters play in the evolution of the European Project.
quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Daniel Martins

Iniciei como participante em Seminários Internacionais de Jovens e rápidamente lhe ganhei o gosto e entendi a riqueza que era o contacto com outras culturas, outras linguas, outras ruas e outros povos. Não demorou muito tempo a começar a desenvolver Intercâmbios como lider e Coordenador de Projectos que juntam jovens de diversas nacionaidades para desenvolverem actividades conjuntas, tornando-se um espaço perfeito para a troca de ideias e experiências, sendo tambem uma oportunidade unica de conhecer outros mundos e pessoas. O impacto que teve, e que ainda hoje tem, na moldagem da minha personalidade e visão da realidade e de um Mundo global onde estamos é bastante grande e visivel em tudo o que faço, idealizo e construo-o.
Com tudo isto a fazer cada vez mais sentido, vendo que este tipo de experienciação não-formal me trazia beneficios claros como um complemento ao que Formalmente adquiri no ensino regular, decidi desenvolver Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu. Procurei projectos dentro da area que me interessava, candidatei-me a varias tendo sido aceita numa organização Checa num projecto que me identifiquei desde o primeiro dia em que o li e ainda hoje o trago comigo como um pouco de mim que me irá acompanhar sempre. O SVE é de todo uma experiência unica que te permite sentir por inteiro os teus limites, gerir emoções e tolerâncias, trabalhares competências de adaptação Pessoal e Profissional, viver outras culturas, entenderes a importancia que tem uma participação activa dos jovens num futuro que se pretende sempre justo e digno para todos.
Hoje, como Coordenador de Projectos de âmbito Nacional e Internacional, bem como formador do Programa Juventude em Acção, sou tambem dirigente de uma ONG (Organização Não Governamental) que é tambem IPSS (Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social), sou dirigente da FAJUDIS (Federação das Associações Juvenis do Distrito de Santarem), faço tambem parte da Bolsa de Formadores do CNJ (Conselho Nacional de Juventude) e sinto que o percurso que fiz até aqui tem sido uma mais valia em termos Profissionais, mas sobretudo em termos pessoas e na forma como vejo o mundo e como actuo-o perante a realidade.
domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2007
AGENDA - Projectos Internacionais Ágora Bracarense
- "Yes Project" (2nd meeting) - 17-20 Janeiro 2008 - Brescia, Itália;
- "Join Our Game" (Contact Making Seminar) - 10-14 Março 2008 - Zakopane, Polónia;
- "Let's play with strings and balls" - 4-11 Maio 2008 - Ankara, Turquia (aguarda-se mais informações deste projecto, através da Associação Onda Jovem);
- "Relax" (Trainning Course) - 12-17 Maio 2008 - Kayseri, Turquia.
A Ágora Bracarense ainda prepara a apresentação do projecto intitulado: IEE Intelligent Energy for Europe – Youth Training Project em parceria com diversas associações europeias. Este evento ainda não tem data prevista.
Podem ser obtidas informações acerca destes projectos através do contacto: agorabracarense@gmail.com
sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007
Workshop Ágora Bracarense
Em ambiente informal e descontaído foi possível passar em revista as iniciativas da Ágora Bracarense, com especial destaque para os projectos internacionais em que a nossa associação tem participado.
É importante a presença e o interesse de cada vez mais jovens por estes projectos, capazes de cativar a juventude.
A Ágora Bracarense tem em carteira várias propostas para participar nos mais diversos projectos ao nível internacionais e dá essa oportunidade aos seus associados.
Sabe mais sobre estes projectos em: www.agorabracarense-internationalprojects.blogspot.com
Training Course: "RELAX" em KAYSERİ (Turquia)
Este projecto trata-se de um curso de formação e intitula-se "Relax", sendo os seus promotores uma associação turca.
Eis as informações até ao momento disponíveis sobre o evento que contará com a participação da Ágora Bracarense:
Action 4.3
Training course
Time & Venue : Turkey (KAYSERİ) “ 12-17 May 2008
Target Group: Youth workers (18+), working directly with young people (aged 15-25yrs) facing difficulties in terms of social Inclusion
Language: English
Aim: To motivate young people to start projects in the YOUTH IN ACTON Programme and to improve the quality of these projects and conflict menagement.
· To bring a clear view on the possibilities in the (new)YOUTH IN ACTION program
· to provide pedagogical support and time for the participants to develop their own activities in the frame of the Youth in action program.
· to support the inter cultural and inter professional exchange between participants
· Stimulating long term cooperation between similar international organizations
· Prevention of potential troubles and difficulties during international projects.
70 % of the real travel costs, and food & accomadation will be
covered by the “YOUTH” program.
Group size : 20 young people aged 18+
(10 countries-- 2 participants form each country)
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007
Ágora Bracarense prepara novo Projecto Internacional

A Ágora Bracarense apresentará em breve a sua candidatura a um novo projecto internacional, desta feita relacionado com a temática do ambiente e das energias sustentáveis.
O projecto entitular-se-á: IEE Intelligent Energy for Europe – Youth Training Project.
Sumary of the project: The main aim of the project will be to train and educate youngsters (aged between 15-18 years old) in the participating countries (one class of around 20-25 youngsters for each country) on themes concerning energy savings and renewable energies. This training and education activities will use formal and informal education means to teach youngster about energy problems of the planet and more practically of their country, region and even home. They will also aim at providing youngsters with, and stimulating them to find themselves solutions which they could implement to solve such problems. Moreover, the teaching methodology will fully and actively involve the youngsters directly, since they will become also teachers during the exchanges (i.e. the hosting classes will teach the foreign classes concerning the renewable energy source and technologies used in their local areas). The project will favour a behavioural change in the youngsters involved but also on other youngsters by spreading the teaching methodologies used during the project. Moreover, the project will provide the participating youngsters with specific knowledge and skills which will significantly increase their job opportunities and career prospects.
The activities of the project will include:
-training on a local scale (i.e. youngsters in their home towns and local school managers and policy makers) -e-learning activities (training youngsters on the utilisation of e-learning tools, putting youngsters from different countries in touch among each other and carrying out common activities by using ICTs –i.e. information technologies such as pcs and internet)
- youth exchanges (with youngsters travelling to the countries involved in the project to meet and implement activities together).
Este projecto conta com os seguintes parceiros: Green Energy (Italy), Province of Brescia (Italy) Municipality of Alcalà La Real (Spain), Regional Environmental Centre-tbc (Slovenia), Municipality of Istanbul -tbc (Turkey).
Projecto em Ankara: Let's play with strings ans balls - Maio 2008
Divulgação de projecto em Ankara na Turquia.
Datas: 4-11 de Maio de 2008
Local: Ankara, Turquia
Título do Projecto: LET'S PLAY WITH STRINGS and BALLS
Preço: 150€ com viagem desde Lisboa ou Porto, alojamento e alimentação incluídos (visto não incluído)
Participantes: 4 portugueses *
enviar ficha de inscrição em actividade
pagamento das quotas em dia
enviar cópia do passaporte
enviar código de conduta assinado
+ informações e programa serão enviados brevemente
* podem participar cidadãos da UE desde que residam em Portugal
domingo, 18 de novembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Krasi e Jana
Foundation “New Beginning” is a Bulgarian youth non-governmental organisation. We are working in the fields of HIV/AIDS prevention, drugs prevention, first aid, ecology, youth exchanges, intercultural activities, youth lidership, “peer to peer” education, unformal education and a lot of others. The biggest goal of the volunteers of “New beginning” is to help young people in solving their problems and making their way in life.
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
Yes Project - Final Conference

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Custodio López

El Yes Project, nos ha servido como una herramienta de contacto, comunicación y de cooperación entre jóvenes de diferentes nacionalidades. A Brescia hemos acudido ya en dos ocasiones, allí hemos conocido las inquietudes, problemas, demandas, y culturas que tienen los jóvenes en los diferentes sitios de Europa. Hay que destacar que lo que más les preocupa en general a los jóvenes europeos, son el trabajo, la vivienda, y los temas relacionados con el consumo de sustancias perjudiciales para la salud y las actividades de Ocio y Tiempo libre. También nos ha servido de mucho, el saber como afrontan y que medidas toman los distintos estamentos juveniles de la Unión Europea, llámense, asociaciones juveniles, corporaciones locales y responsables de políticas de juventud de los distintos países.
Pero lo que yo más destaco es los buenos lazos de amistad que se han creado en esta gran familia llamada Unión Europea y sobre todo el trabajo en equipo que podemos desarrollar entre todos. Fue en Brescia donde conocimos a unos amigos de Letonia (Latvia) Inga Drele y Guntars, con ellos hemos cerrado un programa participativo con jóvenes de 16 a 25 años (Investigation of the Furthest European Eastern Border) que se va a celebrar en Rezekne Letonia del 28 de Diciembre al 6 de Enero próximo. Un programa donde van a participar 12 jóvenes de Letonia, 12 de España, 12 de Italia y 12 de Polonia. Los objetivos y contenidos principales del programa están todos relacionados con la cultura juvenil, el ocio, y las demandas de los jóvenes desde la perspectiva de los países que se han incorporado hace poco tiempo a la Unión Europea como son Letonia y Polonia, y lo que opinan los jóvenes que van a participar de Italia y España dos naciones que llevan ya muchos años perteneciendo a la U.E.
Dentro de los proyectos que tiene que tiene el gobierno Europeo denominado “Juventud en Acción” También hemos participado en julio del 2.007 en otro programa con que se ha desarrollado en la ciudad alemana de Lofedhenl con jóvenes de la Republica Checa, Austria, Alemania y España. Han sido 9 días de convivencia juvenil inolvidables, donde se ha participado en actividades medio ambientales, cerámica, acuarelas, teatro, música etc...
En definitiva, creo que con nuestros amigos de Portugal tenemos que preparar algún que otro programa, a través de Agora Bracarense y Alcalá la Real. Tenemos los conocimientos, la U.E nos ofrece los recursos ¿A que esperamos amigos portugueses?
En muchos años de trabajo con la juventud, nunca había encontrado una actividad tan estimulante para los jóvenes ¡!!
Un abrazo
Custodio López
Jefe Negociado de Juventud y Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real
terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Nadja Rein

Have you ever thought that while travelling around representing your organisation you can actually learn something which might totally change your life!
I am a traveller I was born in the Soviet Union and then when it collapsed I appeared to live in a new state, Kazakhstan. Due to several reasons my family immigrated to Germany (probably it is needed to say that I am also from Multicultural family, in general I can out it saying that I am Russian-German). In Germany I had to learn to live with a new culture and learn German asap in order to be able to solve very simple problems, such as shopping, making appointments etc. But moreover I needed German because I wanted to study. When I was already at the University I learnt about Exchange Programme as ERASMUS and that led me to the UK, where I live and work till this moment. In the UK I had to cope with some cultural differences as well. And what was the most amazing about the place I got in is the fact that it is a very diverse place! You can meet people from different cultural and faith background here. Sometime it is difficult to live with people who have completely different ideas about what is your concept of life, because their concepts are different. In the beginning I couldn’t make living with my house mates who as I thought could not appreciate my concept of ‘clearness’, ‘nice and disgusting smells’ etc. But one day I realised that actually it is not all about them, but a huge part of our misunderstanding was because of me. Then I tried to talk to them to learn about their habits, thoughts, tastes in music, food, movies, clothes etc. And surprisingly, though no one of us has change their concepts of life, we began to feel closer and to understand better each other.
I hope to meet you very soon on one or another project based in the UK or other countries.
domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007
Workshop de Projectos Internacionais Ágora Bracarense

Estas sessões terão como objectivos principais:
- A divulgação do trabalho realizado pela Ágora Bracarense;
- A promoção de Programas Europeus e Internacionais para Associações;
- A formação de jovens para participar em Programas Internacionais.
Nestes workshops, de forma informal, os jovens participantes aprenderão mais sobre programas como o “Programa Juventude em Acção”, e conhecerão todas as potencialidades e virtudes de participar neste tipo de eventos em que a Ágora Bracarense se encontra envolvida.
Estes eventos são uma forma única dos jovens bracarenses ingressarem no “admirável mundo novo” do movimento associativo dos jovens europeus.
Mais informações podem ser encontradas em: http://www.agorabracarense-internationalprojects.blogspot.com/
Para esclarecimento de dúvidas: agorabracarense@gmail.com
sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007
Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform Invitation
Earlier in the year, the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform launched an initiative to encourage the establishment of National Youth Federations of NGO's in the Mediterranean. The main aim behind this National Youth Federation initiative is to build upon national capabilities in the Mediterranean, and to create networks of National Youth Federations where none already exist. The main thrust for the establishment of this Federation will come from the NGO's themselves, with the support of the Euro-Med Youth Platform.
From the 13th-16th December 2007, the Euro-Med Youth Platform will hold a meeting in Alexandria, Egypt for youth who demonstrate an interest in this initiative and can contribute positively to this process. During this meeting we shall be able to take stock of what has been achieved to date, what are the obstacles encountered, and how these networks can support each other. The meeting will be based on peer education with expert assistance. European youth councils, especially those who still conserve the memory of their creation because they are not old, will be invited to share their experience and resources.
Applications to participate in this meeting are now open, and you are invited to apply through the following link: http://www.euromedp .org/en/egypt.asp?lang=en . Please note that the deadline for applications is 20th November 2007.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Kind regards,
Sharon Attard
Projects Officer
Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform
36 Old Mint Street, Valletta VLT 1514, Malta
Tel +356 25586149, Fax +356 25586139
info@ euromedp.org
http://www. euromedp.org
domingo, 4 de novembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Susan Spagy

Hi to everybody!I am Susy, I am 23 years old and I am Italian.
I decided to write you about my experience in theme of international projects to share a grandiose and formative experience with the hope that I will give you the correct motivations to start.
From 5 months I live in a small village in Uk named Loughborough where I have known some members of a local association (YAF) and I begun as voluntary to collaborate in their projects. From that moment it is initiated a new, grandiose experience of life for me. I have met people coming from every part of the world, shared with them experiences, learned new ways of live to think... travel...
Today I'm in contact with a lot of people met during the seminar I participated and I have with them personal and professional relationships. Particularly the members of Agora Bracarense, Tiago and Margarida, two special people, that in more than an occasion show me availability and seriousness in our projects and in the affective relationships.I hope that my words also serve to you, because we don't often realize how much possibility we have to improve our days, live with some objectives, grow and to compare us with the others.... and there is no experience better than this, believe me!
Good luck
sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007
Testemunho de participação - Karin Peham-Strauss

I hope to see you soon somewhere in Europe and ask Tiago or anybody else from " Ágora Bracarense" if you wish to get more information.
Testemunho de participação - Tiago Mourão

Passar uns dias num ambiente completamente distinto daqueles que nos envolve na rotina diária, com pessoas vindas dos quatro cantos da Europa e que, apesar de nunca termos visto na vida, nos começam a ser familiares com o passar dos momentos, é algo que me marcou e que seguramente não irei esquecer.
Participei em dois projectos e, cada um deles foi especial. Pelo que conheci, pelo que vivi nesses momentos, pelas pessoas com quem contactei, pelos temas abordados, pela troca cultural, pela oportunidade de comunicar em diferentes línguas e ultrapassar, muitas vezes com dificuldade e alguma originalidade as barreiras da linguagem… E depois, o poder dar o nosso contributo e deixar o nosso cunho pessoal num projecto global, que ultrapassa fronteiras e vai muito para além dos momentos vividos naquele local, transmite-nos um sentimento de realização enorme. Ainda, o facto de poder transmitir e divulgar a nossa associação, a nossa cidade, o nosso país, é algo que, acarretando alguma responsabilidade, nos permite desenvolver capacidades e competências importantes nos dias de hoje.
Aproveito para incentivar aqueles que ainda não tiveram a oportunidade de participar num evento destes, que procurem informação, que recorram à Ágora Bracarense (http://www.agorabracarense.blogspot.com/) que certamente lhes facilitará toda a informação e proporcionará a possibilidade de viver algo que eu já vivi e não me importava nada de repetir…
Tiago Mourão - Ágora Bracarense (Braga, Portugal)
quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007
Uma Ágora Internacional
Enquanto jovens e europeus, os associados da Ágora Bracarense pretendem fazer parte daqueles que se preocupam e querem intervir na cena pública europeia.
Através dos projectos internacionais da Ágora Bracarense, os jovens que se associarem a nós têm a possibilidade de participar em Programas Europeus especialmente pensados para o movimento associativo dos jovens europeus.
O Programa Juventude em Acção, financiado pela União Europeia dá o mote para a nossa participação activa em intercâmbios, cursos de formação, encontros, seminários e serviço de voluntariado europeu.
A Ágora Bracarense pretende constituir-se como uma plataforma e interface de contacto entre os jovens dinâmicos bracarenses e diversas associações europeias. Através de uma crescente e sustentada rede de contactos, pretendemos propiciar e potenciar a participação de cada vez mais jovens em projectos de interacção com outros jovens europeus.
Estes projectos, desenvolvidos pelas mais diversas associações europeias são uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de conhecer realidades diferentes e comunicar com vários jovens associados a multiplas instituições jovens espalhadas pelos quatro cantos da Europa.
Todos os jovens bracarenses que sintam o apelo de fazer algo diferente e participar também eles na construção europeia e numa "network" de associações jovens internacionais estão convidados a participar nos nossos projectos.
Entrem em contacto conosco, participem, dêem o vosso contributo.
A Ágora Bracarense espera por vós. . .
sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007
Convite para "Asia-Europe Training for Trainers" em Talin Dez'07
We are pleased to inform you about our upcoming event, the Asia-Europe Training for Trainers (AE TfT) on “Exploring Dimensions of Participation and Understanding”, that will take place from the 1st to the 7th December, 2007 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The project is co-organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation and the Estonian Youth Exchange Service - ESTYES, and it is supported by the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations and the Network for Voluntary Development in Asia - NVDA . We are also glad to inform you that this will be our first ASEF event to take place in this country.
The Training will bring together up to 30 young volunteers and future trainers. Participants of the Training will include motivated youth field workers, youth organisation leaders, trainers or organisers in the area of youth, training, capacity building and non-formal education (aged between 18-35), nominated by national and international organisations and networks from the ASEM countries, who would be in a position to act as or trainers within their organisation or service at local, national or regional level, and plan to continue their work in the near future.
Background information on the event has been enclosed for your perusal.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further inquiries.
Best regards,
Katerina Ragoussi
Nota: os interessados deverão contactar a Direcção da Ágora Bracarense (agorabracarense@gmail.com)
segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007
Convite EVS - Espanha
Dear Partners,
Fundacion CAUCE (2007-ES-44) is currently selecting 3 volunteers for our new projects in Valladolid and Burgos. 6 month duration.
Should you be interested please send motivation letter and cv of candidates at fcaucesalamanca@telefonica.net by wedsneday 17th.
Thanks for your cooperation,
Regards, ilaria tosello
EVS CoordinatorFundacion CAUCE
Nota: os interessados deverão contactar a direcção da Ágora Bracarense (agorabracarense@gmail.com).
sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007
Projecto de intercâmbio - Estónia (Junho'08)
Este projecto terá lugar na Estónia, na cidade de Võru.
As datas do evento serão: 06-06-2007 a 13-06-2008
O projecto é subordinado ao tema: Learning Through Sports and Outdoor Activities.
O público-alvo são jovens dos 15-20 anos.
O preço de participação ronda os 150€.
Em breve será disponibilizada mais informação aqui no blog.
Os interessados deverão entrar em contacto com a Direcção da Ágora Bracarense.
CMS - Polónia (Março'08)
Os interessados devem comunicar desde já a sua disponibilidade.
Seguem-se os pormenores do evento:
“JOIN OUR GAME” Contact Making Seminar 10 –14 March 2008 Zakopane , Poland
Background information
Association Active Youth invites you for Contact Making Seminar
“ Join our game “ that is planned to be held in Poland, 10-14 March 2008. The seminar brings a chance to gather people involved in youth work from different countries. The participants will learn more about the Youth in Action Programme and develop new projects within its frames. The seminar language will be English.
Aims of the seminar
to get to know each other & experience the international cooperation
to exchange experience and ideas of methods in youth work especially sport activities
to talk about the social inclusion in the context of cultural diversity
to learn about active citizenship and non-formal education
to present Youth in Action Programme and its possibilities for young people
to create ideas for future cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme
Participant’s profile
actively involved in the field of youth work
over 18
be prepared to present their own organisation to the other participants of the seminar
be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole seminar and to contribute to the
development of the future projects
Board, lodging and programme cost will be covered by our association.
Participants will cover 30% of their travel costs.
There in NO participation fee.
Application form
All candidates should apply by filling in the enclosed Part III.
Part III should be faxed and posted as soon as possible.
Fax on 0048 32 35.37.566
DEADLINE: 20.10.2007
Post the original to:
Ul. Ścigały 38/4
40-208 Katowice
DEADLINE: 28.10.2007
Please, mail us as soon as you fax and post Part III!
Please attach Part III as Word document.
Mailto: cms_poland@wp.pl
sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2007
STEPS - Trainning Course - Elazig (Turquia)

Participants: Slovenia, Turkey, UK, Rumania, Spain, Portugal,
Target Group: Youth workers (18+), working directly with young people (aged 15-25yrs) facing difficulties in terms of social Inclusion
Language: English
Aim: To motivate young people to start projects in the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme and to improve the quality of these projects
To motivate & empower participants to start projects in the YOUTH IN ACTION
Programme and to improve the quality of these projects by multiplying this
experience, and raising the awareness that international cooperation can result in
a different approach of the target group which can be powerful, practical and can
lead to sustainable results.
To attain this general aim we nailed down following objectives:
· To bring a clear view on the possibilities in the (new)YOUTH IN ACTION
· Raising the awareness that an international youth project can have a deeper
personal impact then assumed at first and creates opportunities for a
different (non formal) approach towards the youngster(s).
· Stimulating long term cooperation between similar international
organizations to create regular opportunities for youngsters from the target
· Prevention of potential troubles and difficulties during international
· A stimulation to enlarge the feeling of responsibility by the target group and
to create learning opportunities for developing and maintaining personal
international projects. (how to stimulate the personal feeling of
participation, importance and citizenship.)
· To provide pedagogical support and time for the participants to develop their
own activities in the frame of the Youth in action program.
· To support the inter cultural and inter professional exchange between
. To bring a clear view on the possibilities in the (new)YOUTH IN ACTION program
. To provide pedagogical support and time for the participants to develop their own activities in the frame of the Youth in action program.
. To support the inter cultural and inter professional exchange between participants
. Stimulating long term cooperation between similar international organizations
. Prevention of potential troubles and difficulties during international projects.
70 % of the real travel costs, and food & accommodation will be covered by the “YOUTH” program.
Group size : 20 young people aged 18+
(10 countries-- 2 participants form each country)
quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2007
Formação - Arménia (Fev 2008)
Os interessados deverão contactar o mais depressa possível a direcção da Ágora Bracarense, uma vez que a nossa associação não está directamente envolvida no projecto, tendo sido o convite realizado pela Associação Onda Jovem.
European Training
With the support of the programme youth in Action
Youth project managements : a tool for Social Integration
Armenia, 23.02.2008 – 29.02.2008
Organised in collaboration by
West Lothian Youth Theatre, Livingston, Scotland
and Richter, Den Helder, the Netherlands
The context and motivation:
With this training we want to give an opportunities to NGO from Europe and from the former Soviet republics to share their experiences and gain knowledge about youth projects management as well as to establish new contacts and develop common project ideas in the field of the new program Youth in Action.
Three main objectives :
First of all we would like to investigate how West European organize their voluntary work, and how does (for example) East European foundations organize their. We have a deeper look at the differences and similarities. What can the participants learn from an organization from Estonia or Scotland? We will have a look at the positive sides of both of them. What is good and interesting volunteer project? In what way are volunteers protected by law during their projects; does it even exist in Russia and what about Sweden?
The second part of the training is to give opportunities to the applicants to share their experiences gain knowledge about youth project management. Together we will find tools that helps the involvement local and regional to develop themselves in organizing youth exchanges and to make EVS to take part in the activity.
The third part is to clarify the use of theatre as a tool for establishing social integration. The training will help the applicants and their organizations to improve their skills and to enhance their knowledge of the theme.
Partners :
Head applicant is West Lothian Youth Theatre. WLYT is one of Scotland’s leading youth theatre organizations, using theatre techniques to support the social, educational and creative development of its young people. Young people take part in weekly workshops and in regular holiday projects. WLYT is also committed to partnership working with other youth theatres, both in Scotland and internationally.
West Lothian Youth Theatre will be working in close co-operation with the Richter Foundation which is an NGO from the Netherlands and are responsible for input training, the application forms and the travel arrangements. Richter organizes over 15 youth exchanges and trainings/seminars per year: They are also much involved in EVS programs as a sending and hosting organization.
The local Armenian partner is WIYU is responsible for accommodation, food and local transport. Also the study visits are there responsibility and is a part of the practical side of the training.
Dates and place
Yerevan, Armenia
23 till 29 February 2008
Working language
Working methods:
The training will bring together representatives of many organizations to exchange ideas and agree a viable culture-based project. The methods employed over the 5 days of the visit will be:
* visual presentations;
* group work, group discussions and brainstorming;
* presentation of the program youth in action;
* site visits to the theatre department of a local University and visiting local NGO that are involved in the program youth in action
* group debates.
The purpose of the training is:
* to attempt to clarify the meaning of social integration
* to offer specific training in theatre techniques for use with young people
* to develop ideas around the use of theatre as an important tool for social integration
* to exploring the possibility of developing projects with a European dimension in Armenia
* to stimulate participants to exchange ideas and develop proposals for future projects
The objectives of this project are for participants:
* to develop their skills and knowledge in the context of the theme
* to understand a clear definition of the theme
* to improve their knowledge of the European Union and the Council of Europe youth programs
* to take part in discussions with professional colleagues
* to have the opportunity to exchange information and experiences
* to share ways of working and develop new techniques in the field of youth work
* to learn about participating organizations
* to develop co-operation across Europe
* to set up projects together.
The main beneficiaries will be the participants in the training event. In addition, indirect beneficiaries of the project will be the colleagues of the participant and those young people with whom the participant works. Every individual will be responsible for sharing the final result of the training with his or her colleagues and target group.
There will be 24 places(maximum) on the training and the applicants should fulfil the following conditions.
* they should be working with volunteers
* they should already have some experience of working in sending and hosting EVS
* they should be prepared to pass on the information, skills and contacts
* they must have a mandate to make concrete agreements with other organizations
* they should be able to use English as a working language
* they should be ready to fulfil an open and active role in the training
* they should be able to attend the full duration of the training
Almost all of the expenses will be covered by the hosting organisation, with funding from the EU program Youth. Board, local transport and lodging are provided by the hosting organization and are covered by the project budget.
70% of travel expenses will also be reimbursed, based on the most economic form of transport (APEX, student fare etc.). Please note that there are limitations for travel reimbursements, depending on the country and the distance (a detailed table will be send to the selected participants). In principle, the biggest compensation for the travel costs will be up to 550 EUR (but 70% of the costs).
Application and selection of participants:
Participants will be selected by the project organizing committee on the basis of:
* the above described profile of participants and the rules of the program youth in action
* the experience, expectations and training needs of applicants
* the desire to create a balance in the range of participating organizations
* the desire to create a balance in the range of geographical areas represented
Accepted candidates will receive confirmation of their participation and more detailed information.
Please send your completed application form and completed Part III form (by fax, post or e-mail) before 14 October to:
Peter Keijzer
Richter foundation, PO Box 6062,
1780 KB Den Helder, the Netherlands
phone/fax: +0031 223 619109
e-mail: richtereu@hotmail.com
More info :
quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2007
Formação - Arménia (Fev 2008)
With this training we want to give an opportunities to NGO from Europe and from the former Soviet republics to share their experiences and gain knowledge about youth projects management as well as to establish new contacts and develop common project ideas in the field of the new program Youth in Action.
Three main objectives: First of all we would like to investigate how West European organize their voluntary work, and how does (for example) East European foundations organize their. We have a deeper look at the differences, similarities and invest of what is a good and interesting volunteer project?
The second part of the training is to give opportunities to the applicants to share their experiences gain knowledge about youth project management. Together we will find tools that helps the involvement local and regional to develop themselves in organizing youth exchanges and to make EVS to take part in the activity.
The third part is to clarify the use of theatre as a tool for establishing social integration. The training will help the applicants and their organizations to improve their skills and to enhance their knowledge of the theme. How to apply: The training is open for European and former Soviet countries and have place for 24 participants.
We expect that the applicant is working with the theme volunteering and social integration, that they can pass on the information, skills and contacts, that they have a mandate in order to make solid agreements and that they can communicate in English.
Os interessados deverão contactar a direcção da Ágora Bracarense: agorabracarense@gmail.com
segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2007
Yes Project - Final Meeting

domingo, 30 de setembro de 2007
Pensar local, agir global...
No entanto, não apenas de iniciativas dentro de portas se caracteriza a nossa ágora. Desde o início de 2006 a nossa associação participou já em três projectos no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção.
As nossas participações em projectos europeus foram as seguintes:
· Fevereiro de 2006 – Yes Project (Brescia, Itália) – Criação de uma network europeia de associações jovens para troca de boas práticas e desenvolvimento de iniciativas versando os jovens com menos oportunidades.
· Agosto de 2007 – Contact Making Seminar (Loughborough, Reino Unido) – Participação num seminário de contactos para alargamento da rede de contactos de associações europeias e preparação de novos projectos no âmbito do Programa Juventude em Acção versando o tema da igualdade de oportunidades para todos.
· Setembro de 2007 – Training Course "Interfaith Youth Dialogue for a Common Europe" (Loughborough, Reino Unido) – Participação num curso de formação baseado no tema do diálogo inter-religioso e multicultural.
Em todas estas iniciativas de âmbito internacional é preocupação fundamental da Ágora Bracarense representar da melhor forma os jovens portugueses em geral e bracarenses em particular. É notório o esforço realizado na divulgação do nosso país e região, bem como do melhor trabalho elaborado pelas associações e instituições jovens portugueses e bracarenses.
Assim, estamos dispostos a abraçar novos projectos internacionais, dentro e fora da União Europeia. É este o nosso espírito... alargar horizontes...