sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007

Testemunho de participação - Karin Peham-Strauss

My name is Karin and I am from Austria. I work in a youth club "Jugendzentrum Perg" with teenagers and young adults and we are going to EU projects with them. The young people like these projects a lot because there they can meet other young people from all over Europe and talk about their life, their ideas, wishes and their problems. Over all they have the possibility to see another country and have a lot of fun with young people.

Petra (22) and Besa (17) have seen already 4 countries and are also leading groups sometimes. "It is a perfect opportunity for us to learn more about the "idea Europe" and this projects also fill the term "EU" with life". "We have met many people and now we are having friends all over Europe AND the best is, that we can afford travelling because it is really good financially supported"
I myself have also met somebody from "Ágora Bracarense " and it was Tiago who is really hard working to make YOU to get this perfect experience too.

I hope to see you soon somewhere in Europe and ask Tiago or anybody else from " Ágora Bracarense" if you wish to get more information.

Bis bald! (This means: see you soon in German)

Karin Peham-Strauss - Jugendzentrum Perg (Austria)

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