sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008

Projecto Tic Tac Turkey

TicTac targets at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders involved in international youth work.

Activity date
2008-04-02 - 2008-04-08

Activity type
Training course

Target group
Youth leaders, Youth workers

The overall aim of the TicTac TC is:
- to promote the development of quality Action 4.3 (Action 5 of the YOUTH programme) projects under the new Youth in Action programme in order to support the needs of the organisation and its international partners.
The specific objectives of the course are:
- to explore the aims of Action 4.3 (former Action 5) and its activities
- to find out how Action 4.3 activities match the needs and resources of the participating organisations
- to experience a quality Action 4.3 project by participating in the TicTac training
- to try out creating an Action 4.3 project in an international team
- to develop skills useful for running an Action 4.3 project
- to become inspired to do Action 4.3 projectsIn the training course the participants have the opportunity to meet and to get to know other organisations, but contact making is not directly a priority of the training course.

terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008

Programa do CMS - Join Our Game - Zakopane Mar 2008

Day 2 13.03

Opening ceremony – the mayor of the City.
Introduction to the team
Ice breaking and name games
Introduction of: Participants, program, hopes and fears.

BLOCK I – Building of team
1. Major Types of Teams
2. Stages of Team Development
3. Guidelines for Designing Teams
4. Team – roles

Zakopane city by night.

Day 3 14.03

Visiting Zakopane.
Hiking in the mountains. Ski lift to Gubalowka mountain. Visiting the shelter.

BLOCK II – Management of NGO
1. Management in crisis situations
2. Basics of internal communication
3. Theories of leadership and types of leaders

International Party – all countries present their culture, traditions and…

Day 4 15.03

Discussion about the possibilities of cooperation between different organizations.
Creating common project – Youth Exchange.

BLOCK III – Founds raising
1. Basic guidelines for fundraising
2. Where is the money? Useful tips.
3. Pros and cons of typical fundraising sources

BLOCK IV - Evaluation
1. What is evaluation?
2. Key elements of evaluation
3. Basic types of evaluation

Farewell party.

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

Join Our Game - Pormenores do Projecto

Background information

Association Active Youth invites you for Contact Making Seminar
“Join our game“ that is planned to be held in Poland, 12-16 March 2008. The seminar brings a chance to gather people involved in youth work from different countries. The participants will learn more about the Youth in Action Programme and develop new projects within its frames. The seminar language will be English.

Aims of the seminar

­ to get to know each other & experience the international cooperation
­ to exchange experience and ideas of methods in youth work especially sport activities
­ to talk about the social inclusion in the context of cultural diversity
­ to learn about active citizenship and non-formal education
­ to present Youth in Action Programme and its possibilities for young people
­ to create ideas for future cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme

Participant’s profile

­ actively involved in the field of youth work
­ over 18
­ be prepared to present their own organisation to the other participants of the seminar
­ be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole seminar and to contribute to the development of the future projects

Mais info de Zakopane:

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2008

Links importantes dos Programas para Jovens da U.E.
Direcção Geral de Educação e Cultura (estrutura da Comissão Europeia responsável pela implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Secretaria de Estado da Juventude e Desporto
Instituto Português da Juventude/ Portal da Juventude
Portal Europeu de Juventude Resource Centres (organização que apoia a implementação do Programa Juventude em Acção)
Salto Youth - Base de dados de parceiros
Eurodesk - Portal de informação europeia para os jovens
Plataforma Euromed - Base de dados de parcerias
British Council - Base de dados de parcerias
Youth for Europe - Base de dados de parceiros
Organização das Nações Unidas
Conselho da Europa
Conselho Nacional da Juventude
Federação Nacional de Associações Juvenis
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Associação de Ex-voluntários
Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu - Base de dados de organizações acreditadas
Fundação para a Divulgação das Novas Tecnologias de Informação
Pousadas e Juventude de Portugal

Novo site Juventude em Acção

Visita o novo site da Agência Nacional para o Programa Juventude em Acção em